The smallest crowd sourced project in the world.

Buy Nick a Mug of Tea by 2033

At the end of September last year I got up in the middle of the night along with thousands of other people to see the red super moon. It was rather magical and I decided to make a date for the next one, it turns out that it is not due until 2033.
I then wrote a song about how the world might be in 2033 called “Jetpacks, Monorails and Rayguns”. In December I recorded it with James NTTB on Piano and it’s now on Spotify for your listening pleasure. Every time the track gets played I will get a tiny, tiny, tiny bit of money from Spotify. 250 plays will get me 1 US cent.
If the song gets 10 plays a day for the next 18 years ,about 65,000 plays, then I get to buy a mug of tea, which I shall of course share with James.
If you want to help with this project then just listen to the song and share it with a friend. If you want to be extra helpful then after listening to the song, click my name on Spotify and click “Follow”, I think that pushes the song up a list.
Thanks for your help and I will let you know if I ever get the Mug of tea.

Sometime ago I wrote about my EP and that if it gets 65,000 plays on Spotify I will be able to buy a cup of tea. I set a target of 2033, which is when the next red super moon is due.
Exciting news, I just got my statement from Spotify and all your plays so far have earned me 23 cents. That’s almost a quarter of a Dollar. !!!!
This is amazing news; I am well on the way to my target. Thank you so much.If you haven’t listened to it yet, or if you want to listen again then head over to spotify
If you want your own personal copy to hug and to hold forever then you can get one on itunes.
I promise not to spend the money until I have enough for a cup of tea, and I will share it with James.

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